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              Let's bring your songs to life
Song Writers     Solo Artists   Small Ensembles

High Desert Production House

Music is Life

Jack Howell - Owner / Operator / Producer / Recording Engineer / Musician / Song

Writer / Publisher 

Let's bring your songs to life.

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Here's the High Desert Production House 411.

I look for musical, lyrical, and vocal talent in solo artists, song writers, & small ensembles.  If someone seems  interested in working together, I'll schedule time with them to find out if there's a creative chemistry, a spark, an inescapable desire to have me be a catalyst for capturing and transforming their ideas into a realized vision. 


Productions are grounded by a solid rhythm section, accentuated by organic acoustic and electric sounds - sometimes sprinkled with electronic elements and / or vocally inspired shenanigans.  I encourage instrumentalists and vocalists to find authenticity, emotional connection, and dynamic flow in their delivery.


I strive for beauty in the individual sounds, a viscerally stimulating mix, and a master quality product that's commercially competitive.






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